Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea / Universidad del País Vasco
MWW Research Network Members

Inmaculada Ballester Pastor
[javascript protected email address]

Professor in Labour and Social Security Law (Certified as Professor) at the University of Jaume I Castellón

Professor in Labour and Social Security Law at the University of Jaume I Castellón (Spain). She has written different articles related to seafarers’ and maritime security issues and participated in different research projects about Maritime Labour Convention, ILO, 2006 and its implementation in Spain. In the last years, she dedicates her research efforts to the analysis of Dockers social and labour conditions, publishing recently a book entitled: La relación laboral especial de los estibadores portuarios (2014). She combines her research activities with the substitute magistrate role at the Valencia’s Community High Justice Court (Spain) in labour and social security section.  

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