Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea / Universidad del País Vasco
News / Agenda

Jean Monnet module "European social law and seafarers" - UPV / EHU 2018/2019

New course Jean Monnet Module "European social Law and Seafarers' Rights" during 2018/2019 Academic year at the University of the Basque Country.



New Book: Technical-Legal Study of C.188 on Work in Fishing Convention (2007) of the International Labour Organization: Are decent working conditions

This work systematically and critically analyses the Convention No. 188 on work in fishing adopted at the ILO in 2007. This is a work that is approaching the subject using the method of comparison, that is, confronting the resulting text of the ILO with other international instruments before-direct or indirect application to fishermen-and also adopted by this International agency, in order to try to answer the main question that the title of this same monographic work refers, which is nothing other than to determine if really through C. 188 are guaranteed decent working conditions for the collective of World-wide fishermen.



The Seminar of the Observatory of seafarers' ritghts at Nantes (France): 21-22 june 2018

The following days 21-22 of June 2018 will be held in Nantes (France), the annual seminar of the Observatory of Seafarers' rights relative to the welfare and protection of the seafarers. In particular, the issues wich will be dealt in it and  discussed are relating to the reception of seafarers in scale, as well as the wage guarantees of seafarers in the face of abandonment.



The "Labour Maritime Law Current problems and future challenges" Book has been published

The "Labour Maritime Law current problems and future challenges" (Gomylex publisher 2017) is the result of the I Seminar organized by MWW Network. In this book, you can found different papers presented during the Seminar held at Bilbao on september 2016.  



New Trends in Maritime Law Book

The "New Trends in Maritime Law" Book is result of the IX ECLMR held at Bilbao on September 2016. In this conference, the MWW participated in quality of Co-director of the event and also presenting a panel related to Seafarers' protection in the event of the maritime employers' insolvency. Related to this issue, in this publication there are four essays in which the authors analyse public and private insurance of the seafarers’wage guarantee; monitoring by the port state of the amendments to theMLC 2006 relating to abandonment; workers’ protection in the event of the maritime employer’s insolvency and the limited role of wage claims as maritime liens; and the relevance in this regard of the CJEU’s interpretation on the Stroumpoulis case of February 2016.



Jean Monnet module "European social law and seafarers" - UPV / EHU 2017/2018

New course about Seafarers and European Social Law at the UPV/EHU during 2017/2018 academic Year!!



Study days MWW-Human Sea about ILO work in fishing Convention nº 188 (2007) 15th and 16th June at Nantes!!!

The 15th and 16th june will be held a conference at the University of Nantes to analyse the ILO's 188 Convention about Work in Fishing of 2007. This event is co-organized between Maritime Work Watch research Network and ERC-Human Sea project in the observatory of seafarers' rights study days context.   



Seafarers: An International Labour Market in perspective is now available in Open Access

The book Seafarers: An international labor market in perspective, which is the first result of the ERC-Human Sea Research Project developed at the University of Nantes is now available in open access.



The Jean Module Starts this week!!

Next friday will start wirh the Jean monnet Module "European Social Law and Seafarers' Rights". We will wait for you at the Bizkaia Aretoa Conference Center!!
