Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea / Universidad del País Vasco

Jean Monnet module "European social law and seafarers' rights" - UPV / EHU 2018/2019

MWW will teach the “European Social Law and Seafarers’ Rights Jean Monnet Module, during the Academic Course 2017/2018 at the University of the Basque Country.  The objective of the course, financed by European Commission, is offer to students a general vision about the European social model through the greatest example of the major mobile workers in the world.

The social dimension of European integration is only, at this moment, explained as a little part of the labour law discipline in various degrees and nothing is said in different university programs in relation to maritime labour law. The Maritime Work Watch’s network researchers, concerned by this absence, have developed a course of 50 hours distributed in 10 lessons divided in five parts covering the main aspects related to the European Union regulation and Seafarers.  

All teaching staff is expert in maritime labour, mainly from juridical point of view but also with the participation of ex-professionals, now teachers at maritime colleges. 


 The “European Social Law and Seafarers’ rights Jean Monnet Module is addressed  to Students of the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Labour Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business and Faculty of Navigation at the University of the Basque Country.

Participants: 40 students.

More information:

Responsible-Module Coordinator
Olga Fotinopoulou Basurko
Ass. Prof. of Labour and Social Security Law at UPV/EHU

Tel: 00 34 945 01 34 17
E-mail: [email protected]

  • This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
  • This communication reflects the views only of the author.
  • The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.