Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea / Universidad del País Vasco
MWW Research Network Members

Gerdien Van der Voet
[javascript protected email address]

Professor holding the endowed chair ‘Special Labour Relations: the seafarer’ at the Erasmus School of Law. Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands) . Lawyer at AKD N.V. in Rotterdam

Gerdien van der Voet is working at the labour law department of the Erasmus School of Law (ESL) since 2000, when she started working at her thesis about co-determination law. She defended this thesis successfully in 2005. Afterwards she started working as an assistant professor at the same department. In 2007 she combined this job with working as a lawyer specialized in employment law at AKD N.V. in Rotterdam. In 2010 she specialized especially in maritime labour law. She published articles and book chapters about this topic and also organized several seminars and a national congress about topics in the field of maritime labour law. She is co-supervisor of a PhD-student that is writing her thesis about the justification of the applicability of special rules to the working relationship of a seafarer in comparison with the working relationship of an ordinary employee.

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